Thursday, May 28, 2015


Everyone knew her as "Jackie"; to me, she was Mommie. Often misunderstood and lost in her own words, she truly meant no harm. I believe her upbringing had a lot to do with her sometimes uneasy personality. And the fact that she loved so hard, and losing two valuable beings made it even harder for others to understand her.

She was no saint, and you sometimes wanted to tape her mouth shut; she just always had to let you know how she felt. For me, our relationship was rocky at times. With me coming into my own and doing things on my own terms, and her having to deal with knowing truths and dealing with acceptance; it wasn't easy. However, we had a connection that no one understood and probably could never. It always hurt knowing that what she did for my life hurt other relationships that she had. For that I am truly sorry; sorry to those affected in any way.

It's beyond shitty knowing that I'm losing yet another person I care so much about. The only good that comes from this is that she'll no longer suffer. No more pain. No more doctors. No more not understanding what's going on. No more feeling lonely. Truth be told, I never wanted her to go to the South, because I knew deep down she would never come back. And now she's gone.

I love you, Mommie. I hope have and can continue to make you proud.

Love, YOUR Donté Diego. 💛💙

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